Thursday, August 6, 2009

Win32:Virut - Virus that target .exe files


Virus:Win32/Virut.BM is a polymorphic file infector that targets .EXE and .SCR files. This virus also opens a backdoor by connecting to an IRC server, allowing a remote attacker to download and execute arbitrary files on the infected computer.


Take the following steps to help prevent infection on your system:
  • Enable a firewall on your computer.
  • Get the latest computer updates for all your installed software.
  • Use up-to-date antivirus software.
  • Use caution when opening attachments and accepting file transfers.
  • Use caution when clicking on links to web pages.
  • Avoid downloading pirated software.
  • Protect yourself against social engineering attacks.

And for me, i've installed AVG Anti Virus with Identity Protection. Everytime you open .exe files from your hard disk, usb or cd, it will scan the files and take the suitable action if there is a Win32:Virut.


There are no common symptoms associated with this threat. Alert notifications from installed Antivirus software may be the only symptom(s). And the bigger problem is some of the .EXE files will crash. You cant open it because when you open it, pop up menu from windows
( it's fake ) will ask you to report this problem to Microsoft lab.

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