Thursday, August 13, 2009

Change Internet Explorer Title

How to change IE title ?
1. Start-Run-gpedit.msc
2. Choose User Configuration-Windows Setting-Internet Explorer Maintenance-Browser User
Interface-and double click Browser Title.
3. Activate Customize Title Bars.
4. Type something in there. ( let's type ABCDE or your name or whatever.You also can stop here and restart IE)

To completely remove IE title continue with this step.
5. Fire up Regedit ( start-run-type regedit )
6. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\InternetExplorer\Main.
7. Look for the key Window Title.
8. You'll find the value : Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by ABCDE.
9. Change this key to anything you like.
10. Exit Regedit.
11. Restart IE and look at your title bar !

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